Look At The Designer Hiring Process Chart


I am asked all of the time what my style is and what I would do with a space if it were mine.   And, to be honest, I should not answer those questions because ultimately it is not my space; it is my client’s.   It is fundamental to my design process to understand who my clients are, how they live and work, and what is important to them so that I can create a design tailored to them.  It is my job to anticipate how they will use the space we are designing and to educate them not just on what to consider, but why to consider it.

I see my role as interior designer as a problem solver and strategist.  I help my clients to identify their constraints, consider their options, budget their funds, and make informed decisions so that they get as much out of their spaces as possible. I want to create for my clients environments that reflect and support them, and that are relevant to their lives, all while making the process of achieving that space a valuable and enjoyable one.